Test your Web App

end-to-end ⛓️

with Jest & Cypress

Understand the underlying concepts for e2e testing to implement different use cases for front-end & back-end in less than 60 mins 😁

Why we need e2e tests

  • Learn the reasons for end-to-end testing and which areas of your system to test.
  • Understand the key principles as well as the common pitfalls of e2e testing.
  • Ship your software with peace of mind. 😻

Front-end e2e testing

Efficiently test front-end applications with the native approach using Cypress.

Back-end API e2e testing

Setup a production-like environment to test backend API with Jest framework.


Bartosz Pietrucha


  • Founder of Dev Academy, software engineer
  • Taught thousands of developers worldwide
  • Holds a Master's degree in Computer Science
  • Spoke at conferences like AngularUP, ngVikings, NG-Colombia, JSConf.be, HolyJS and more
  • Worked for companies like Credit Suisse, UBS, F-Secure, Tecnotree building enterprise software